
Ihe mgbochi ahịhịa ahịhịa a haziri nke ọma maka ọrụ ugbo

Maka ịkwụsị ahịhịa na kwụsị ahịhịa tupu ha amalite

Na-akwalite mgbasa mmiri & ikuku & nri

Na-egbochi mmiri mmiri
Na-adịte aka & Ọrụ dị arọ
gburugburu-enyi na enyi

  • obosara:0.5-4m ma ọ bụ dị ka gị chọrọ
  • ogologo:1-1000m (ahaziri)
  • Ike:Ọrụ dị arọ
  • Arọ:70g-130g/m2
  • Ihe:100% na-amaghị nwoke PE (polyethylene) akwa
  • Nkọwa ngwaahịa

    Ụlọ ọrụ

    Mkpado ngwaahịa

    The beautiful loaded project management experiences and one to a person support model make the high importance of business enterprise communication and our easy understanding of your expectations for Well-designed Ground Cover Fabric Grass Weed Barrier for Agriculture, We welcome an opportunity to do business with you na-atụ anya inwe obi ụtọ na itinyekwu nkọwa nke ngwaahịa anyị.
    Ahụmahụ njikwa ọrụ mara mma na otu onye na-akwado ihe nlereanya na-eme ka mkpa dị elu nke nkwukọrịta ụlọ ọrụ azụmahịa na nghọta anyị dị mfe maka atụmanya gị maka.China Ground Cover na Ground Cover Weed Barrier ọnụahịa, Anyị mgbe niile na-ejide na ụlọ ọrụ ụkpụrụ "na-akwụwa aka ọtọ, ọkachamara, dị irè na ọhụrụ", na ozi nke: ka niile ọkwọ ụgbọala na-enwe ha ịnya ụgbọ ala n'abalị, ka anyị ọrụ nwere ike ịghọta uru nke ndụ ha, na-ike na-eje ozi ọzọ ndị mmadụ.Anyị kpebisiri ike ịghọ onye na-ejikọta ahịa ngwaahịa anyị na onye na-enye ọrụ nkwụsị nke ahịa ngwaahịa anyị.




    1. Dị ka ihe gị chọrọ, enwere ike ịkpụ ya iji gboo mkpa dị iche iche dị ka nkwụsi ike okporo ụzọ, ịkọ ugbo, ọrụ ugbo, na mmiri mmiri.
    2. Vasatail Uses: The igbo matting maka ubi nwere obosara ngwa na ugbo na okporo ụzọ engineering oru.A na-eji ya maka patch nke akwukwo nri, akwa ifuru, ahịhịa wuru, gravel na pavement okwute, okporo ụzọ, wdg.
    3 .Woven mgbochi ahịhịa dị mma maka ịkọ ụdị osisi ọ bụla. Wepụ mmiri dị na mpaghara ahụ n'oge iji gbochie mgbọrọgwụ nke osisi ahụ ire ere ma mee ka ala dị ọcha.
    4. Zuru oke maka ọrụ azụ azụ - jiri akwa nhazi landscaping maka ụzọ patio ma na-enye ụfọdụ njikwa mbuze na mkpọda mmiri na-ekpochapụ oke mmiri ozuzo, dịkwa mma maka ụzọ ubi ahịhịa.
    6. Anyị na-amaghị nwoke ákwà bụ zuru okè n'ihi na-ewu oru ngo, dị ka okporo ụzọ stabilization, riprap, na-ejigide mgbidi, anụmanụ stables, patio landscaping, wdg Debe gị oru ngo hazie na ịchịkwa gị ohere effortlessly.

    igbo ute onye oru ugbo
    igbo odida obodo akwa
    Ahịhịa Nche akwa
    akwa igbo

    Ọrụ ngwaahịa


    Uru Anyị


    Enwere ike ịhazi gị

    AFỌ 10

    anyị nwere ihe karịrị 10 afọ mmepụta experiebce


    Anyị nwere usoro siri ike iji hụ na ọnụ ahịa, ịdị mma, nchekwa na njikwa mbupu

    Nchekwa azụmahịa

    Anyị agafeela asambodo TUV na CE na nchekwa azụmaahịa


    Ntinye ngwa ngwa n'ime ụbọchị 2-15


    Ọrụ ntanetị 7 × 24 awa iji soro ajụjụ gị na ịtụ

    ngwa ahịa

    klhj (1)
    klhj (2)

    ụlọ akụ foto (1) fotobank kpara ala ala akwa ụlọ mmepụta iheThe beautiful loaded project management experiences and one to a person support model make the high importance of business enterprise communication and our easy understanding of your expectations for Well-designed Ground Cover Fabric Grass Weed Barrier for Agriculture, We welcome an opportunity to do business with you na-atụ anya inwe obi ụtọ na itinyekwu nkọwa nke ngwaahịa anyị.
    Haziri nke ọmaChina Ground Cover na Ground Cover Weed Barrier ọnụahịa, Anyị mgbe niile na-ejide na ụlọ ọrụ ụkpụrụ "na-akwụwa aka ọtọ, ọkachamara, dị irè na ọhụrụ", na ozi nke: ka niile ọkwọ ụgbọala na-enwe ha ịnya ụgbọ ala n'abalị, ka anyị ọrụ nwere ike ịghọta uru nke ndụ ha, na-ike na-eje ozi ọzọ ndị mmadụ.Anyị kpebisiri ike ịghọ onye na-ejikọta ahịa ngwaahịa anyị na onye na-enye ọrụ nkwụsị nke ahịa ngwaahịa anyị.

  • Nke gara aga:
  • Osote:

  • kpara igbo akwa factory